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Sunday, February 5, 2012

PISA, India & Me!

Ever since, PISA (Program for International Students Assessment) hit the headlines, a lot has been discussed and said. As a Visiting Faculty for almost 12 years, I have something to say too.
First of all, I am really not surprised at the dismal performance of the students. There are several factors responsible.Government's decision of not failing anyone up to class 10th is one of them.Teachers going on election duty, no proper guidance at home, lack of discipline in general are other accompanying factors. And over that, we Indians are still living in our glorious cultural past that stops us from thinking that all is not well right now.
The computers have contributed to it further. Sitting in the library and making notes is now a thing of  the past. There were 2-3 students in MBA class last semester who because of  shaky hand could barely write a word-be it Hindi or English.
In fact, I must say that a new language has emerged in our country. It's writing ... I mean, typing Hindi expressions in English- phonetic writing to be precise. All thanks to cell phones and computers. Naturally the students neither know Hindi or English. 
I have had enough of teaching.I am back working in the Ad agency. Basically because you can't teach reluctant students.The truth is - It's only when we touch rock bottom that we understand why we have to climb up.
So, next 50 years, I don't see India anywhere. Things may improve after that. Just that my generation will not be there to see the great change!

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