At last the High Court Verdict on Ayodhya issue has come. And we must accept the fact that the bench which had both Hindu and Muslim judges really did the homework well before pronouncing the judgment of having temple and mosque side by side. I fully appreciate Kiran Bedi for saying that the verdict has a powerful message of co-existence and that we should now move on.
I don't agree with Central Government and Madhya Pradesh Government pleas to the people that this is not the end and that one can always go to the Supreme Court after this. To me, it is something like telling the students to wait always for the Principal's nod after a lesson is taught by the teacher. Besides, this will mean that the case will go on and on. As such, there are several important cases pending in the apex court for years and years now.
In my opinion, having a temple and a mosque side by side is not a very big issue. It will also not mean committing blasphemy. If I am not mistaken, the great philanthropist Jamshedji Tata was the first to have Temple, Mosque, Church and Gurdwara in Jamshedpur, a Tata Township.
And so let's not make it an issue.Especially in a country where it is common to see Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Sikh sharing lunch, be it school, college or some other work place.
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